San Diego Mobile Home Lawyers
Representing Mobile Home Park Residents Throughout California
A mobile home park resident is dependent on the park owner to maintain the park and respect the residents' rights properly. When park owners fail in their duties, our team of lawyers for manufactured homes can come in to represent the residents and enforce their rights.
In California, specific laws govern the maintenance and treatment of mobile home parks under the Mobile Home Residency Law. These laws are in place to ensure that mobile homeowners or renters are treated fairly. However, simply just knowing your rights isn't always enough. Having a mobile home attorney near you who understands mobile home residency law is important. You must seek legal counsel immediately if you believe a park owner has violated your rights. Our mobile home park lawyers in San Diego represent individuals throughout California and have secured $300+ million for mobile home resident clients over the years.
Are you a mobile homeowner that isn't being treated fairly? Contact Allen, Semelsberger & Kaelin LLP today at (888) 998-2031 or contact us online to meet with our lawyers for mobile homeowners in San Diego!

San Diego Mobile Home Lawyers
Representing Mobile Home Park Residents Throughout California
Residents' rights in mobile home parks are unique from the rights of tenants of an apartment or house. Tenants of mobile home parks own their homes but rent the space or pad their home is located on. Owning the house but renting the property can be problematic if your rental agreement ends or is terminated. Therefore you must understand the rights you are entitled to. California has extensive laws regulating mobile home parks called Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL). MRL is a complex structure of regulations and laws. You need lawyers that deal with mobile homes by your side so you can be sure park owners are not taking advantage of you.
It's important to have someone on your side who has a deep understanding of these laws and can advise you on your rights to file a claim against your landlord. At Allen, Semelsberger & Kaelin LLP, we take pride in protecting our client's best interests and rights. When you come to our legal team, we will get to work right away investigating your situation's details and compile evidence for your strong and compelling case.
Advocacy for Mobile Home Park Residents in California
Allen, Semelsberger & Kaelin LLP has become a strong voice for mobile homeowners, particularly those facing "David and Goliath" situations. We are tough negotiators and excellent mobile home lawyers and have successfully represented:
- Mobile home residents are fighting for a decent, clean, and safe place to live and against unfair treatment by park owners
- Mobile home residents facing park closure and conversion
Legal Support for Municipalities in Mobile Home Disputes
Cities and counties often find themselves caught in a dispute between mobile home residents and park owners. Due to issues such as rent control or mobile home park closures or conversions, Allen, Semelsberger & Kaelin LLP can help.
Our manufactured homes lawyer can represent individuals in disputes involving:
- Failure to maintain common areas & streets
- Failure to maintain drainage, sewer, electrical, and water systems
- Overcharges for utility services
- Refusal to allow access to common areas
- Park closure and conversion
- Any real estate fraud
If you are enduring unfair treatment from your park owner, do not hesitate to contact our firm for counsel. We can review your case, present your legal options, and help you move forward with the correct steps. Our mobile home park attorneys are tough negotiators and know how to take matters to court. You can trust your mobile home case to us today!
Why You Should Hire Our Mobile Home Attorney
- Representing clients since 1987
- Hundreds of cases were tried before judges and juries
- Proven track record of success
- Extensive experience in the area of mobile home law
Our San Diego law firm has secured numerous successful case results for mobile home clients, including $111 million for homeowners at the California Hawaiian mobile home park and more than $58 million for mobile home owners at Terrace View Mobile Home Estates.
Our clients have received compensation for their damages, including a refund of rent paid, loss in value to their homes, and compensation for their suffering through poor living conditions. Sometimes, our clients have been awarded punitive damages as large as $95 million. Courts have also ordered property repaired and buildings restored.
Visit our Mobile Home Questionnaire to learn more about mobile homes.
Get Legal Help for Your Mobile Home Issues Today at (888) 998-2031 to schedule a consultation with our mobile home attorneys near you.
Understanding Your Rights: Failure to Maintain
Jim Allen on Protecting Mobile Home Residents

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